
Something's Gotta Give is one of my favorite movies. I watch it when I'm happy, I watch it when I'm sad, and I watch it when I need something familiar and comforting. I always thought this scene perfectly (and hilariously) captures what it's really like to be be sad. How it permeates every activity. How it comes out of nowhere. How you can take a break from crying in sleep only to wake up and start again where you left off.

scene cut from movie ''Something's gotta give'' Diane Keaton in an endless cryin' route in LOL on LockerDome

So many happy things have happened between May, when I last wrote, and today. But right now, I'm sad. I'm so sad. Luckily, I have a wonderful dog and wonderful friends -- some of them too far away right now -- and a job where lots of work needs to be done. That'll keep me going, I think.