Gold Pandamonium

Gold Panda I'm briefly here to say...

My piece on Gold Panda aired today on Morning Edition. If you weren't awake to hear it, head to NPR Music's The Record for archived audio. Thanks to everyone who already listened for all the kind words! I feel both thrilled and relieved to have finally put a tiny stamp of myself on the show.

Thanks to Derwin Panda for being such a gracious interviewee. (Yes, we did have to start over at one point during the interview due to a technical flub on my part.) But perhaps, most of all, thanks to my co-workers who guided me along the way: namely Tom, who will never read this, and Nicole, who might. It takes a village?

All this for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Imagine if it were longer...

If you liked what you heard of Gold Panda, you should probably buy Lucky Shiner -- my favorite album of 2010. And if you are a human, you should listen to his remix of Lykke Li's "Sadness is a Blessing" released just last week (with headphones, please). IT IS LIFE-ALTERING.

Finally, for kicks, (I shared this on facebook but for non-fb friends) here's a photo of Derwin Panda and me at NPR. Total sleep represented here is <10 hours, I'm sure.

Gitner and Gold Panda at NPR